Sunday, 25 November 2018


 Day one of swimming-enthusiastic swimmers and ready fro action.

Investigating Gloop

We have been investigating changes that happen when we mix different ingredients.  We mixed cornflour and water to create 'gloop'.
Lots of mess and lots of fun!

Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Our  Structure Morning

On Tuesday 3rd July, Room 1 had an open morning to share our learning about Structure and also to create a structure. The structures created were very impressive and included houses, robots, tee-pees, castles, bridges and even a sky tower!! 

Monday, 28 May 2018

 Room 1 and Room 3 went to the Auckland Botanical Gardens to learn about native birds. One of the things we learnt about were the different types of beaks birds have and what birds use them for. Paul also took us on a bird watching walk. We all had a pair of binoculars and we saw some Tuis and Fantails. We're hoping to see some of these birds in our gully.

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

 Chocolate Crackles

We made some Chocolate Crackles for Easter. We melted some kremelta then mixed in some ricies, coconut, icing sugar and cocoa.


We put them in patty cups and put them in the fridge to set.
They tasted delicious!!

Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Relating to Others Time

In Room 1, the day begins with Relating to Others time, where the focus is on getting to know other children, taking turns , sharing and finding out children's interests.
What would you like to buy?